This is a very stoned-looking picture of me in my unstyled Tremont "tacky-St. -Charles-soccer-mom-can-I-talk-to-the-manager" wig, aka "The Kate Gosselin". I like red! It'll take more than a face peel to get me looking like a lady...more like a few razors, some wax, and several pounds of makeup. I do get to wear a pretty awesome dress though...really shows off my ASSets!
We are having our first sing through of the entire show tonight before we begin blocking tomorrow. I am a lot more comfortable with the music now that we have learned it, and I can go back to the recording now to help me put it all together. I have yet to see how well my vocal chords will fare after having sung through the entire show.
Seriously though...this stuff is physically exhausting to sing. Probably even when I'm not on the tail end of a head/chest cold. Blah blah blah, anyway I'm excited to hear the whole thing tonight and to get this shit blocked and memorized so I can get the script out of my hands and get my hands on that Zak Farmer guy (and anyone else who wants to be felt up by a half tranny)!
In other news I was invited to do The Threepenny Opera with New Line next, this time back to playing a straight character. I wanted to be one of the whores but the other whores were just too good at whoring!