Thursday, February 26, 2015


Tonight is my favorite part of the rehearsal process.  Part one anyway.  We are splitting our stizprobe over two nights because there is so much music in this show.  It's always so exciting and thrilling and awesome to finally sing with the band and get the full picture of what the show is supposed to sound like.  So we do act one tonight, then Saturday we get to have our cue-to-cue, which with Rob Lippert is just a normal run with lights and tech and fun awesomeness; then Sunday we have our act two stizprobe, and go right into tech after!  I think we are all more than ready to really run the show and get it in front of a crowd!!  :)

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Well, the show is fully blocked, and we've got a few full runs under our belts.  The set is up and is beautiful (I can't wait to see it with lights).  Publicity photos are done, most of the costumes are done. We are 90% off book.  Things are really coming together, characters are emerging, and we are in great shape for having a week and a half to go before we open.  Also, I had my first make-out sesh with Zak Farmer on Thursday night, and it was quite aggressive.  If there's one moment of true shock value in the show, that's it!  All I can say better fucking prepare yourselves...and wear depends!
We are at the point where the stress starts to subside, and rehearsals get really fun because we are all exploring and experimenting with various character choices.  There's a lot of great material to play with in this show too.  I just can't wait to get in front of an audience and finally be able to gauge how people are going to respond.  Each new character I've played in the last year has been exponentially more crazy than the last, and it's really fun to get to break my typecast and show folks that I can do other things.
Anyway, here are the publicity photos.  I'm the one in the leopard print mini dress!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Lose The Facial Hair And You Might Find A Pimp!

Not a whole lot to say, but we have the entire show blocked!  Our set goes up this weekend, and starting Monday we will be running the show on set, off book (for the most part).  Fortunately, the music is getting easier now that we all know what it's supposed to sound like.  I am about 75% off book at this point, so I'm not too terribly worried.  I'm excited to get the scripts out of our hands and see what kind of character choices everyone makes.
In other news, our promo photo shoot is next Tuesday, so it looks as though this hairy guy has a long weekend of waxing ahead of him.  Don't worry, I did it for Rent last year and it wasn't so bad...but then again, I was drunk!